Rice cultivation performed at Salitre Cue is a step-by-step production until harvest and post-production activities took place. From the moment land is being prepared until harvest is taking place 9 months elapse.
Pre-planting stage which take around 4 months, is now almost behind us, expect in one block. We are late there due to the accumulation of bad weather conditions. To illustrate, we register 145 mm of rain for the single day of 7 November with intense lightning and electricity cuts. Activities like pre-sowing fertilization, herbicide application, taipas nivelation as well as sowing are impossible under those conditions.
Meanwhile, the 1st blocks sowed which amount to 850 hectares are in irrigation stage until January (nutrients have been applied). So far, the plants grow and develop normally even if incremental work is currently required given weather conditions to management water in the fields. After this stage, plants are going to enter in the flowering period (high brightness is required for an optimal development of rice grains) before rice grain achieve is maturity, and harvest stage begun.