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ARGENTINA – Trees measurements and cuts at Tata Cua forest (July 2021).

As part of our fiscal year end closing procedures, we are currently performing to the inventory of our trees. The process is starting late this year as we are facing logistic delays due to the pandemic.

A forest expert is taking measures such as the height and width of the trunks to calculate the volume of wood in the forest. This information serves to define whether or not the forest is ready for harvest but also to follow the good growth of the trees and identify which plots have to be cut.

In our case, its essential as we faced last year in August a fire (see previous post related). Trees which have been affected by fire have to be cut as their development is compromised and they take space of others that are healthy or regrowing.

Approximately 43 ha of pine trees have being sold to wood products manufacturers over the year (cuts are still in progress).