Situation/weather: As previously indicated, we are concerned about the drought situation we are facing in Corrientes province. We still haven’t recorded any rain and continue to suffer from wide daily fluctuation in temperature with hot extremes (8° C in the morning vs 34°C in the afternoon). According to weather expert, we will face this year “La Niña” climatic phenomenon with its peak in November. This climatic phenomenon is characterized in our region by a heat waves and dry weather. September should be like August and we might only get some rains in October.
Cattle operation and pastures: We have currently above 6,400 heads at the farm. Heat stress can strongly impact the animals at various levels (well-being, production, diet, fertility, etc.). To management this stress, we are adjusting food supply (silage, completed with corn and pellets). Grassing area has reducing given the lack of water and OAT, sowed earlier this year, is also emerging hardly. For Ray-grass, we are in the 1st grassing stage.
In addition, we are also making sure that the herd has sufficient watering. To regulate its temperature, a cow will increase her breathing rate and sweat a lot. A cow loses 15 to 20 liters of perspiration in winter and above 40 liters by hot temperatures. Cattle daily water needs is equivalent to 8- 10% of their live weight. In average, 50 litres per day but by hot temperatures, they will need above 70 litres per day. Therefore, we should not only take into account availability of pastures but also water.
To address those needs, we have dense infrastructures at the farm: a big natural lagoon, the river Santa Lucia as the riverside is completely clean so that the cattle can go down, drink water, and come back to the plots. We have several drinking troughs all over the farms with pipes connections from main or secondary tanks to those drinking troughs.
We have also water rain collectors such as little lagoons (tajamares or bañados in low lands) and 2 Australian tanks (each with a 400,000 litres capacity) powered by a solar powered pump delivering 30,000 liters of water in 8 hours. We operate 10 wells and transportable water tanks with a capacity of 30,000 liters. For now, all animals are in good shape and we are applying a close control protocol. Here you can see 2 years old heifers which are going to be in service in October.
We recently faced an attempted cattle rustling. Thanks to the vigilance of the staff, it could be aborted and 2 among the 4 robbers have been arrested. All the Province is facing a boom in cattle rustling as the argentine situation is worsening (Article of La Nacion dated 19/08/20). We have emphases our controls so as mutual assistance between neighbors in this area.