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  • Argentina
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ARGENTINA – A $50 Billion financing deal has been reached (June 7, 2018).

Argentina reached a three-year deal with the International Monetary Fund (I.M.F) on Thursday 06/07/18 for a $50 billion credit line, an amount that was larger than expected, which the government promoted as a vote of confidence on its market-friendly reforms.

Argentina requested I.M.F. assistance on 05/08/18 after its currency weakened sharply.

I.M.F Managing Director, Christine Lagarde, said the fund supports Argentina’s plan to try to cut its budget deficit and bring down soaring inflation.

ARGENTINA – Chinese and Argentinean governments ratify an agreement to boost Argentine meat exports (May 2018).

Four months after the announcement of an agreement to increase and diversify Argentine meat exports to China, after 15 years of negotiations, the governments of both countries announced the approval of the final protocol during the visit of the Argentine Minister of Agriculture, Luis Etchevehere, in China.

China with the European Union are the main recipients of Argentina agro-industrial exports. According to Argentina’s Agro-industry Minister , China is Argentina’s main meat export market with 50% of meat exports going to China in 2017, worth some $405 million.

ARGENTINA – Argentina’s call for IMF help to avoid crisis (May 2018).

Argentina’s central bank has raised interest rates for the third time in one week as the peso, continues to fall sharply.

Over a month, the value of the peso has melted by about 10%, mainly due to the rise in US treasury bill rates. This forced the Central Bank of Argentina on  May 4, 2018  to raise interest rate to 40% (the highest level in the world). By raising its rate, the central bank is trying to convince Argentineans to invest their money rather than buying dollars, a safe haven when inflation is high.

Argentina seeks $30 billion from the IMF to calm markets and to help to stabilise economy. President Macri has begun talks on a financing deal with IMF Director Christine Lagarde on May 8, 2018.

“Article from the Financial Time, dated 5/11/18”

Uruguay – Drought situation and Update on Santa Maria farm activities (April 2018).

Since the beginning of 2018, there has been a significant reduction in availability and access to water due to a deficit caused by a lack of rain, which has been further affected by the La Niña phenomenon.

This situation has led to the worst drought conditions faced in Uruguay since 2008/09. Local industry officials anticipated economic losses exceeding $500 million, which would rank as that nation’s most expensive disaster in history. The Uruguayan government had to declare an agricultural emergency due to drought in 14 departments in order to support family farmers (no more then 500 hectares of land to be eligible).

For us, both of our Uruguayan farms, located among the most affected departments in the country, have suffered from the prolonged drought, damaging corn and soybean production as well as cattle operations. So far, Santa Maria farm (Flores) was the most affected.

Rainfall register: Cumulative rainfall for July-March period was 737 mm, -32% compared with the historical average for the same period. During the critical month of February where corn and soybean are in blooming stage, we register only 30 mm of rain Vs 143 mm as historical average. This trend was not reversed with 26 mm registered vs 143 mm historically.

Winter crops: 374 hectares were sowed and we get 1,5 t/ha vs 3,5 t/ha Budgeted. Climate vagaries have affected production: Excess rainfalls of August and lack of water during maturity season (November/December).

Summer crops (Soybean & Corn): Around 500 hectares of soybean #1 have been sowed with delay due to soil conditions. So far, over 220 hectares have been harvested with a preliminary yield of 1.8 t/ha vs 0.6 t/ha to 1.9 t/ha in our area. Doublecrop soybean over 400 hectares was done but harvest did not started yet – expected yield should be around 1t/ha vs 1.8 t/ha budgeted.

As for corn, we are going to start soon with the harvest and in terms of yield, we expect to get around 3 t/ha vs 5,5 tons/ha budgeted.

Cattle activities: Pasture to feed the herd have evaporated due to the drought forcing us to place the calves in the feedlot and supplement them with corn. pregnant cows are also going to be supplemented as pasture are to poor in the field. Those more sensitive categories have to be management in priority.

For now, we can mitigate the impact of the drought on pastures by supplementing the herd with silage and corn. However, cattle operations are going to be affected next cycle as pasture are not going enough time to recover and their sowing period is behind us.

Paraguay – Paraguay’s business-friendly Colorado Party keeps presidency (April 24, 2018).

Conservative former senator Mario Abdo Benítez has been elected president of Paraguay on Sunday, April 24, 2018 and will beginning a five-year term on August 15. The Colorado Party has led Paraguay with only a few interruptions since 1947.

Mario Abdo Benítez, a 46-year-old marketing expert, campaigned on a promise to continue the business-friendly policies of outgoing President Horacio Cartes who won a Senate seat in Sunday’s vote. He promise in particular to retain low tax policies and boost agricultural exports.