Latest Notices
  • Argentina
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  • Paraguay
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  • Uruguay
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Paraguay – Rearrangement of the school of Arequita, next to Salitre Cue farm (May 2017)

As an extension of previous actions undertaken, we decided to refresh exterior painting of the school of the village of Arequita which is near Salitre Cue farm. In addition, we have renovated all electrical connections and panel of the school which were dilapidated and subject to concerns.

arequita 1

Those actions contribute to create a healthy environment for 9 children and their teacher attempting the school, and promote more favourable work conditions for them.

Paraguay – Participation in the equipments improvement of the medical station of General Artigas town, next to Salitre Cue farm (May 2017)


As part of your engagement in the development of the local communities nearby our operations and values shared, we decided to  provide our support to the local health center of General Artigas town.

To this aim, we purchase 4 air conditioners of 12,000 BTU for the boarding and emergency rooms which were so lacking until now – especially given Paraguayan hot weather. In maternity service, parents and families will be able to enjoy their newborn child without being afraid of the heat. the atmosphere will be more peaceful for all the medical staff too.

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We also took care of the related installation as well as the renovation of some part of the electrical system (generator, wiring connection, programmer, etc).

Finally, we purchase also a glass swing door for the emergency room.

The medical station improved its services and fills a gap in terms of basic equipments.


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Argentina – More than $116 Billion has been declared under the tax amnesty program (April 2017)

The program came to an end last week after eight months of window. The results ? more than $116 billion has been declared before the Argentine tax authorities.

The government will collected $9.2 billion in fees paid by those who declared assets in the tax amnesty. This will allow the country to develop infrastructures, renewable energy programs etc. However, argentines are estimated to hold up to $400 billion in tax havens. So argentines have taken a great step forward back in their country. To be followed…

Tax amnesty


Argentina – El Niño is arriving to Argentina and made a stop in San Bartolo farm (April 2017)

After having affected Peru and Colombia, “El Niño” weather natural phenomenon is now impacting all western regions of the southern cone. In Argentina, 7 provinces are already affected.

“El Niño” weather natural phenomenon

In Salta province, where San Bartolo farm is located, we registered more than 300 mm of water in less then 24 hours versus the annual historical average of 776 mm during the 1st weekend of April. The neighbouring villages of Lajitas and Apolinario Saravia are both under water.

Salta´s Floodings

As for San Bartolo farm, the house has been affected so as some internal roads. As a direct consequence, fattening services was temporarily interrupted. This flooding situation forced us to concentrate the herd in some dry plots and reduces also available pasture. As long as this event will remain, its consequences for the farm will remain limited.





Uruguay – New preferential trade agreement with China on soybean export (April 2017)

Uruguay has just concluded a new preferential trade agreement with China for soybean exports (free of any weed – Tolerance 0% of impurities). This implies costs increase of harvest process, cleaning, classification and logistics or export companies may translated it into lower prices paid (discounts or coverage of the risk in shipping) – it’s likely that it will end up by being a combination of both above consequences.

Trade Agreement with China (Soybean)