Paraguay – Harvest progress at Salitre Cue farm (February 2017)
Over 1,300 hectares of rice have been harvested so far with an average yield of 7 tons per hectare. Harvest has been interrupted several times this month due to rainfalls, making access to machinery difficult.
For now, 500 hectares of IRGA 424 variety remain to be harvested. Subject to good weather conditions, the harvest should be complete shortly.
On February 11, we registered in particular heavy rainfall: 150 mm of rain was recorded that day vs 240 mm for the entire month of February. Delay in harvesting leads to decline in humidity of the rice grain given high ambient temperature which ultimately causes a decline in rice quality.
Paraguay – Update on Salitre Cue farm activities (January 2017)
Rice cultivation: We performed humidity and impurities tests on our premium rice variety (Puita). Harvest of this variety has began (Puita) as you can see on the pictures below. Puita variety have been increased and represent a bit more then 1/3 of the surface sowed during this cycle.
As for our other main variety – IRGA 424, harvest should begging in February as the plots are still under irrigation. This variety is in particular more resilient to the climate of the area but for which the export demand to Brazil is less important than for Puita.
Rice sales: we have already initiated negotiations with our clients in order to pre-close some contracts as we expected to produce over 12 000 tons of rice for our 2nd campaign.
Soybean cultivation (test campaign for diversification purposes): even if the climate register in December was overall favorable for the development of the plants, excess rainfall registered previously could not been entirely offset.
As a results, we should expect that some plots sowed with soybean will have good yields. Some other, with only few beans as you can see on the pictures below.
Argentina – Cash is coming back to Argentina thanks to the tax amnesty plan (January 2017).
Argentine authorities have announced on 12/29/16 that $90 billion in assets had been declared so far under the government’s tax amnesty plan
The government hopes that funds declared under the tax amnesty will help jump-start growth and investments in the country.
Argentines are thought to have more than $400 billion in undeclared overseas assets. Under the tax amnesty program, they have until Dec. 31 to declare those assets while paying a 10 percent fine to protect themselves from prosecution for tax evasion.
They can still declare until March 31, though the penalty for non-real estate assets will jump to 15 percent. Billions more are expected to be declared, particularly in properties, for which a 5 percent fine would remain unchanged.
So far, the government has collected 82 billion pesos ($5.27 billion) in fees paid by those who declared assets in the tax amnesty.
Argentina – Update on San Bartolo farm activities (January 2017)
Situation/weather: As previously indicated, we decided to replant pasture in lots that have been prior subdivided into smaller plots in terms of size in order to have a better control of the natural vegetation and enhance ultimately beef production.
Below you can see the new fences installed for this purpose in lot n°18 (400 has – lot originally planned to be dedicated to crops activities) which is now subdivided into 2 lots of 200 has.
As you can see on the pictures, pastures are developing well thanks to the rainfalls registered in October and November which favored the growth of grass, both in quality and in quantity.
Recently sowed lots n°10, 11 and 12 are showing emergent plants. The development of those pastures will depend on rainfalls otherwise the plants will bleach due to the high temperatures registered in the region which oscillate between 24°c to 41°c. On top, the thermal sensation that can reach over 45°c.
Cattle operation: To mitigate lack of rainfall which imply also lower level of pasture, it is necessary to give supplementation to heifers that will receive artificial service next year.
Uruguay – Update on Santa Maria farm activities (December 2016)
A relatively dry winter: Cumulative rainfall for July-November period was 419 mm, -21% compared with the historical average for the same period. So far, no rainfall has been registered in December.
Cattle operation (total herd 2,530 heads): Since September, breeding cows are recovering a good shape as they are fed with ryegrass and third year prairies. Males and females rearing have reached a daily weight gain of 500 grams – which is good. Those animals of lees than 1 year old are in very good weight and body conditions.
Agriculture activities:
Winter crop: Harvest of barley is completed (228 ha), we registered a yield of 3.5 tons/ha as budgeted.
Soybean #1: 484 hectares have been sowed and the crop is developing well so far (growing stage). Expected yield of 2.8 ton/ha.
Soybean #2 : the crop was sowed on the surface previously used for barley. We expect a good development for this crop.
Corn: 436 hectares of corn are in sowing progress. Expected yield of 5.5 ton/ha.