Paraguay – Seeding of 1,800 hectares of rice as well as 220 hectares of soybean (September 2016)
Over 1,000 hectares of rice have already seeded and are in germination stage. Even if the weather is dry, young plants are developing very well as you can see. For future diversification purposes, we are also testing soybean cultivation over 220 hectares.
Argentina – Cattle operation at San Bartolo farm (September 2016).
We focussed exclusively on cattle operation at this farm (fattening in particular given the favourable dry climate of the region). Currently, we have around 1,000 mothers there and sell 700 steers as well as 200 cows not pregnant. Over the cycle, we will also replant 400 hectares of pasture and have previously subdivided the surface into smaller plots. This action will allow a better control of the forest growth and the increase of the animal stocking per hectare. Total heard: 2,430 heads.
One of our biggest challenge there is the permanent control of the native forest typical for Salta region.
Argentina – Operating activities at Curupi Pora farm – August 2016
CP cattle grazing Oat and Ryegrass (winter sowing). Total herd of the farm is around 4,800 heads.
Uruguay – Operating activities at La Esperanza farm – August 2016
Given the frequency and amplitude of the Rio Negro floods next to our property, a feasibility study for the creation of a protection wall to be build in phase, was launched. Authorization process is in progress. Once the various phases will be completed, around 2,000 hectares will be protected and sustainable for crops or cattle activities.
Low lands to be protected for rice cultivation by the wall ; irrigation will came through a small existing reservoir, currently full of water as you can see.
Paraguay – Complete filling on 08/01/16 of the artificial water reservoir built at Salitre Cue farm
The artificial lake of 480 hectares we build to store water in case of an extended period of low water level of the river or dry period, is now filled with water as you can see.