Rice Harvest
Rice harvest began on March 7th. The picture shows a lot sown on October 5th 2012 in La Rinconada farm. El Paso 144 variety had excellent implantation and development. Its yield was 9,500 kg of dry grain.
Moreover, in El Capricho lot, INIA Olimar variety’s yield was 9,000 of dry grain.
Sunflower in Buenos Aires Province
In the picture sunflower sown on October 25th can be appreciated. The crop is deleveloping with excellent conditions. Harvest is expected to begin by mid March.
Sheep at Rincon del Chingolo farm
The picture shows a group of sheep grazing soy in Rincon del Chingolo farm.
This farm specializes in sheep breeding and is part of Campos Orientales’ leased lands in Uruguay.