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ARGENTINA – Update on San Bartolo farm activities (September 2018).

Situation/weather: The farm is in good shape, recovering from the intense drought all the region faced earlier this year (particularly intensive in Salta region from December to January where generally rainfall occur and boost pastures).

Water availability is key for the breeding and fattening activities we are performing at the farm, not only to cover the daily basic needs of the animals but to ensure dense pasture which enhance ultimately beef production. Over the last 4 years, we have registered a water deficit of around 15% compared to the annual historical average. To this aim, we are analysing the possibility to reactivate and reuse the pressure pipes of an old water tank.

Our second biggest challenge at the farm is the permanent control of the natural vegetation which is typical for the region of Salta (a formerly forest area with a subtropical highland climate). Given the size of the farm, we are working in small-sized lots using a combination of chemicals or machinery/manual clearing to maintain the land.

Cattle operation: We have currently over 2,800 heads of cattle at the farm and working on the increase of the density per hectare of animals. However, lack of rain and high temperature registered (35°C or more) on the previous cycle have affected pastures coverage and livestock watering (on average, we need around 60 litters of water per day and per animal).

Our objectives is to have 2,000 breeding cows by keeping young female calves to increase and replace the herd of mothers, and focus on heifers breeding to achieve a 88% pregnancy ratio with 80% of weaned calves.

For this cycle, we are also planning to sow by ourselves 100 ha of corn and another 100 ha of soybean by a third party and where we are going to collect a lease rent in kind to cover protein needs of the herd. Finally, we have postponed our planned cattle sales waiting for price adjustments.

ARGENTINA – President Macri asks IMF for early release of funds, but still not succeed in dispelling doubts and the FX jumped to a historical peak against the US dollar.

Just 2 months after having closed an agreement with the IMF, President Macri announced on 08/29/18 in a televised address that Argentina has asked for an early release of a $50 billion loan from the IMF ” to guarantee compliance with next year’s financial programme ” as crisis worsens and was trying to negotiate changes in terms as inflation and GDP targets are not going to be met this year. 

Macri said that in the past week there had been “expressions of a lack of trust in the markets” about Argentina and that “This decision aims to eliminate any uncertainty”. The Peso had already lost more than 40% of its value against the US dollar this year and inflation is rampant (over 30% per year).

After his speech, the Peso fell again to close at an all-time low of ARS 34.2 per US dollar. The next day, Argentina lived his “jueves negro” (black Thursday), where the US dollar continued his flight to exceed the historical threshold of 40 pesos (with a peak at 41.7) before the Central Bank raises in emergency its interest rate from 40% to 60% (the highest level in the world) to contain the devaluation.

For the first time in history, the Argentine peso is worth less than the Uruguayan. Everyday life is getting more expensive for Argentines, as the prices of many goods and services still bear a close relation to the US dollar. Furthermore, the combination of spiralling inflation and public spending cuts means wages are not keeping pace with prices, making most people poorer.


Other emerging markets such as Turkey and Brazil are also suffering from the devaluation of their currencies this year, but Argentina’s situation is particularly troublesome and will also have ripple effects for the neighbouring countries.

ARGENTINA – Local news: While the peso seems to have stabilized, inflation continue to run (July 2018).

After having reached a peak end of June (above 29 ARS/USD), the peso seems to have stabilized around 28 per USD thanks to the 3 increases in minimum reserve requirements made by the B.C.R.A. (June 18, July 2 and July 18).

Regarding inflation, that’s another story: Monthly inflation was 3.7% in June (the strongest monthly hike since 2 years) and 16% over the cumulative first six months of the year. In comparison with the month of June 2017, prices rose by 29,5%. Housing prices, water, Electricity, gas and other fuels have increased by 48.5% year-over-year. 

Meaning that national inflation rate targeted for the year by the B.C.R.A. (15%) has already been exceeded over the first six months of the year.

ARGENTINA – Update on Curupi Pora farm activities (July 2018).

Situation/weather: Even if more rains have been registered in Corrientes province since March, damage causes previously by the drought could not possibility reverse, especially for crop activities as water is required at given time. As of end of May, cumulative rainfall for the cycle was 1,120 mm or -20% compared with the historical average for the same period.

Cattle operation: Our cattle herd (5,412 heads currently) is in good conditions and the more sensitive categories to high temperature have started to recover. Young male calves are going to be send to San Bartolo farm where fattening process is easier and faster than in Curupi Pora given Salta’s climate. Young female calves are retained to increase and replace mothers’ herd. Self produced Bradford bulls will also improve internal genetic of the herd while old bull are going to be sold.

As we were able to access to the limit of the farm bordering with Santa Lucia river, we took advantage to put fences in place to segregate the floodplain in order to graze cattle on the unfloodable section as pasture are very dense there.

URUGUAY/ARGENTINA – Hot, dry spell weighs on Ag outlooks (July 2018).

The drought situation faced during the austral spring leads to a decrease of 78% of soybean export in Uruguay, compared to the same period a year ago. Argentina’s agriculture sector plummeted 31% in April on a year-on-year basis, according to government data.

For the first time, Paraguay is forecasting to export more soybeans than Argentina in order to fill the supply gap left by the drought (6.3 million tons this year from Paraguay vs 4.2 million tons from Argentina). Argentine soybean harvest just came in at 36 million tons, a drop of 38% over the previous year.

As a result, crushers are operating at less than 70% of capacity and they need to import soybean in order to keep their facilities up and running ; closing down a facility or reducing operations due to a lack of soybeans is more complex in Argentina than importing it (Cargill tried it).

In Brazil, the situation is quite the reverse. Thanks to better climatic conditions, soybean harvest should reach a new record level, and at a lesser proportion for corn. Brazil will likely surpass the U.S. as the largest producer of soybeans this year, taking over the top ranking for the first time in history. According to U.S.D.A. forecasts, the U.S. is expected to harvest 116.48 million tons of soybeans later on in 2018, falling short of Brazil’s estimated collection of 118 million tons for its crop year. Brazil, already the world’s largest soybean exporter, is expected to expand this lead in the coming years thanks to its unique ability to expand planted area in opposition with the Americans which already are using the maximum area possible.

All eyes are now focus on forthcoming harvests of the northern hemisphere were crop conditions decline due to dryer conditions, especially in the Corn Belt.

Heat waves and temperature records were beaten over the last month of June making it the 3rd hottest month registered in the U.S. by the N.O.A.A. in 124 years. Europe neither the Black Sea countries do not escape from the same problems.

ARGENTINA – Local support to the deprived kids of Corrientes (June 2018).

As part of your engagement in the development of the local communities nearby our operations, we decided to provide a support in kind to the catholic institution of Corrientes called C.A.R.I.D.I. “Jesus Nazareno”.

We offered all our used IT equipment to this local institution so that children and teenagers can become familiar with and learn how to use these tools for the future.

ARGENTINA – A $50 Billion financing deal has been reached (June 7, 2018).

Argentina reached a three-year deal with the International Monetary Fund (I.M.F) on Thursday 06/07/18 for a $50 billion credit line, an amount that was larger than expected, which the government promoted as a vote of confidence on its market-friendly reforms.

Argentina requested I.M.F. assistance on 05/08/18 after its currency weakened sharply.

I.M.F Managing Director, Christine Lagarde, said the fund supports Argentina’s plan to try to cut its budget deficit and bring down soaring inflation.

ARGENTINA – Chinese and Argentinean governments ratify an agreement to boost Argentine meat exports (May 2018).

Four months after the announcement of an agreement to increase and diversify Argentine meat exports to China, after 15 years of negotiations, the governments of both countries announced the approval of the final protocol during the visit of the Argentine Minister of Agriculture, Luis Etchevehere, in China.

China with the European Union are the main recipients of Argentina agro-industrial exports. According to Argentina’s Agro-industry Minister , China is Argentina’s main meat export market with 50% of meat exports going to China in 2017, worth some $405 million.

ARGENTINA – Argentina’s call for IMF help to avoid crisis (May 2018).

Argentina’s central bank has raised interest rates for the third time in one week as the peso, continues to fall sharply.

Over a month, the value of the peso has melted by about 10%, mainly due to the rise in US treasury bill rates. This forced the Central Bank of Argentina on  May 4, 2018  to raise interest rate to 40% (the highest level in the world). By raising its rate, the central bank is trying to convince Argentineans to invest their money rather than buying dollars, a safe haven when inflation is high.

Argentina seeks $30 billion from the IMF to calm markets and to help to stabilise economy. President Macri has begun talks on a financing deal with IMF Director Christine Lagarde on May 8, 2018.

“Article from the Financial Time, dated 5/11/18”

Argentina – Central Bank intervention to fend off inflation (March 2018).

Earlier this month, the Central Bank (BCRA) had to sold massively USD in the spot market to halt peso weakening after the USD quote fell to a record of ARS 20,65.

The BCRA is concerned about the impact that the weaker ARS can have on the already very high inflation. National inflation is now expected to be 15% at the end of the year while a range of 12% to 17% was targeted previously. Economists are more septic about and they expected an inflation of 20% minimum.

 According to the National Statistics Institute (INDEC), national consumer prices rose 2.4% over the previous month in February, coming in above January’s 1.8% rise. However, the increase was expected due to a hike in prices of electricity, transportation, communication and medicine that came into effect on February 1, 2018.