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Paraguay – Termination on 06/14/2016 of the artificial water reservoir built at Salitre Cue farm

We build a artificial lake of 480 hectares, dedicated to store water in case of an extended period of low water level of the river or dry period. The construction has been delayed after being interrupted several times by heavy rainfalls that the region has suffered from.


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We start filling it with water in order to be operational for 2016/17 cycle, especially given the high probability La Nina phenomenon to emerge over the next months. To do so, 657 000 m3 of water need to be pumped from the river



Paraguay – Illustration of work progress as of October

Bellow you will find a weblink showing you work progress made in our rice operation in Paraguay.

Salitre Cue October 15

For our 1st campaign, 1,326 hectares are going to be sowed and should deliver an expected production of 9,950 tons of rice. 1,872 additional hectares of rice cultivation could be added next campaign.

For now, 300 hectares are in seeding progress and rice shoots are developing so far very well.