Situation/weather: While Government extends lockdown in the Buenos Aires metropolitan area (AMBA) until August 16 and prohibits all social gatherings in Argentina for the next 15 days, more flexible measures have been applied in most of Argentina’s 23 provinces. The AMBA region is concentrating 90% of all cases of covid-19. However, movement restrictions are still prohibited between provinces for non essential services which are creating troubles for them. For us, advisors or providers like vets cannot visit all our farms as they are located in different provinces.
In addition, weather is not help us and we are concerned about drought situation we are facing at the farm. No rain occurs and wide daily fluctuation in temperature are registered (8° C in the morning vs 29 to 34°C in the afternoon) which affects re-growing of pastures. In some part of Santa Lucia River, we register only 20 cm of water, and its winter/raining period…
Cattle operation and pasture program: We have currently above 6,400 heads at the farm. Given the weather conditions we are facing, the cattle is overall in good shape.Cattle video
We are just starting 1st grassing on ray-grass sowed in May. The pasture is missing rains.
Here you can see OAT emerging sowed earlier this year (same status as ray-grass) as well as heifers 2 years which will start service in October/November.
We also installed a new solar water pump at one of our water tank.