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ARGENTINA – Update on Curupi Pora farm activities (October 2021).

Situation/weather: The farm is currently in very good shape as we continue to register some good rains at the farm which allows the densification of the pastures. Those rains will also help to boost the development of the new pastures freshly sowed in September. We sowed 120 ha with Setaria pastures for grazing and for cut fodder.

This year, we have subleased to a contractor 150 ha where corn and soybean will be planted, and we will be paid in kind as we need corn to feed our heard. You can see below the good development of the corn which has been sowed.

Cattle operation: Our cattle herd (over 5,200 heads currently) is performing well and has a great uniformity as you can see. Below, you have some calves waiting for vaccination.

Here, you can see some young bulls.