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ARGENTINA – Update on Curupi Pora farm activities (September 2021)

Situation/weather: After having faced dry and warm weather, we registered some good dense rains of 45 mm. Timely intense thunderstorms appear to be partially but violently offsetting below-average rainfall in the north of the country. The level of Santa Lucia River which is bordering the farm went up and as we maintain the riverside completely clean the cattle can go to the river, drink water and come back to the plots.

Silage and pasture program: Pastures have improved their density and as part of our strategy, we are in the process to sow around 120 ha with new pastures (setaria). Setaria is a permanent pasture for grazing and for cut fodder (ie comfort of handling by virtue of the soft foliage and absence of foliar bristles). You can see below the land preparation performed for the coming sowing of this pasture.

Cattle operation: Our cattle herd (over 4,900 heads currently) is in very good shape as you can see for the various categories, thanks to the efforts of our farm team.

Here, you can see some cows and heifers with their babies.

Here, you can see some heifer calves.

Here, you can see some heifers of 2-years which are going to be in service in November.

We are also in the process to delivery 23 bulls and 25 cows.

This will complete our cattle sales for the month as we have anticipated them due to the export restrictions set up again by the Argentine authorities. Due to those restrictions, beef prices have declined by 1.4%. This measure is blocking a great export opportunities for the country as “mad cow” cases have been identified in Brazil which triggered the immediate temporary suspension of beef exports to China and Hong Kong (Article from El Cronista, dated 13/09/21).