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Argentina – Election gives president Macri a legislative majority (October 22, 2017).

President Mauricio Macri’s governing coalition (Cambiemos alliance) won decisive victories in the 5 biggest electoral districts across the country in midterm elections of October 22, 2017 that were widely seen as a referendum for the center-right leader’s since he took office in 2015.

 In the closely watched province of Buenos Aires, Esteban Bullrich (ally of Mr Macri) defeated ex-President Kirchner. However, Mrs Kirchner was assured election to the Senate and to enjoy judicial immunity provided by a Senate seat considering all her current legal troubles, even though her party came in second behind Macri’s coalition. Two of the three Senate seats elected in the province of Buenos Aires went to party with the most votes, while the third was reserved for the second-place party.

The result will mean gains for Macri in both houses of Congress, and reinforce his ability to implement chances in the tax and labour laws which are for him necessary to improve the country’s economy. Those results are positioned him as a candidate for re-election in 2019, likely against Mrs Kirchner, and set up a very positive message for foreign investors .

Argentina – Update on Curupi Pora farm activities (October 2017).

Situation/weather: After registering a very wet cycle 2016/2017 (+20% rainfall in comparison with the historical average for the period July-June of 1,440 mm) with peaks and some flooding periods, the weather seems to normalized for now.

Cattle operation: Pastures affected by heavy rainfalls are recovering, we are soon going to sow 125 hectares with natural pastures to increase pasture-fed cattle. During the cycle, additional natural pastures are going to be sowed and also completed with AOT as well as with ray-grass.

Those sowing operations are made in order to enhance herbaceous vegetation to increase ultimately pasture-fed cattle.

Finally, 130 heads of cattle have been transferred to San Bartolo farm in Salta to be at work there, and we operate on 4,700 heads of cattle at Curupi Pora farm.

Water tank: After being delayed due to climate vagaries, the construction of the Australian water tank (400,000 liters of capacity) has re-started.

Paraguay – Irrigation of the 1st plots sowed begun at Salitre Cue farm (October 2017)

We have begun to irrigate the 1st plots sowed in September to allow an optimal development and growth of the seeds.

To that end, water is pumped in from the river Tebicuary by the main station and redistributed to the master channel as you can see on the picture below. Secondary channels  are then supplied with water to each individual plots.

Meanwhile, we continue to sow other fields. As of today, 845 hectares have been sowed with rice.

Argentina – Local news from Corrientes Province (October 2017).

Mr Gustavo Valdés, candidate from the Cambiemos alliance (pro Macri coalition) won the Corrientes Province’s gubernatorial elections which took place on October 9, 2017. The Macri administration is trying to capitalize the victory, ahead of 22 October, considered a definitive date for investors waiting to ensure they can look ahead to a business friendly congress.

 Another good news is the construction of a new port in Corrientes city. This will be the first port constructed in 20 years !

“Article from El Cronista dated 09/22/17”

Paraguay – School Olympic games: sponsoring of the students team of General Artigas town, next to Salitre Cue farm (September 2017).

We decided to sponsor 31 students of the National College of Republica Oriental de Uruguay of General Artigas town by providing them customized t-shirts for the school Olympic games.

We are proud to support actions for healthy kids and school Olympics given all underlying values promoted (effort, sharing, authenticity, humility) which can help young people find themselves.