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Paraguay – Update on Salitre Cue farm activities (January 2017)

Rice cultivation: We performed humidity and impurities tests on our premium rice variety (Puita). Harvest of this variety has began (Puita) as you can see on the pictures below. Puita variety have been increased and represent a bit more then 1/3 of the surface sowed during this cycle.

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As for our other main variety – IRGA 424, harvest should begging in February as the plots are still under irrigation. This variety is in particular more resilient to the climate of the area but for which the export demand to Brazil is less important than for Puita.

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Rice sales: we have already initiated negotiations with our clients in order to pre-close some contracts as we expected to produce over 12 000 tons of rice for our 2nd campaign.



Soybean cultivation (test campaign for diversification purposes): even if the climate register in December was overall favorable for the development of the plants, excess rainfall registered previously could not been entirely offset.

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As a results, we should expect that some plots sowed with soybean will have good yields. Some other, with only few beans as you can see on the pictures below.

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