Últimas novedades
  • Argentina
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  • Paraguay
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  • Uruguay
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Prize won at Santa Maria and at La Floresta

We won The Braford Champion Lot 2012 in Melilla during the Steer Competition that organizes The Rural Associationof Uruguay (Asociación Rural del Uruguay, ARU) every year. The winner steers have 2 teeth, are 20 months old their average weight is 636 Kg.

Our second award was The Braford Reserve Champion Lot. The steers were 2 years old and their average weight was 650 Kg.

Ramiro Gerona (Cattle Consignee), Gustavo Listello (Production Manager of Campos Orientales),  Armando Tressens (Sales and Purchasing Manager of Campos Orientales) y Juan Ignacio Gerona (Cattle Consignee) show us the awards.


Barley sowing

During July barley was sown on the leased farms that are located in the mountain area of Tandil in the province of Buenos Aires.

The crop production system developed was the direct seeding rotation. The picture shows the barley’s emergency and sunflower stubble, which was the previous crop.


URUGUAY – «Chocleada Solidaria» in Santa María Farm

On March 23rd 2012, the first corn harvest for charity was done with great success in Santa María farm. This important solidarity event was organized by San Jorge School, Lujan Church (both from Trinidad City) and Campos Orientales. The corns from the lot donated by our company were hand-harvested and bagged by the students, parents, teachers, nuns, priests and out staff. The corn bags were sent to different assistance centersof the area.

It was a huge opportunity to show how a company and its community can work together for solidarity purposes .



The farming responsables of our farms in Argentina and Uruguay met at La Floresta farm and recieved an update on «how to apply efficient pulverizations». This meeting was done as one of the many trainings Campos Orientales’ staff always recieve.
