Últimas novedades
- ArgentinaC |F
- ParaguayC |F
- UruguayC |F
Paraguay-Estación de Rebombeo
Paraguay – Reservoir Dam in Salitre Cue
Paraguay-Camino principal en el canal maestro y dique en Salitre Cué.
Paraguay-Preparación del suelo para el dique del reservorio en Salitre Cue
Paraguay-Movimiento y compactación del suelo para la construcción del dique del reservorio en Salitre Cué
Paraguay – Beginning of works in Salitre Cué
Conrado Cimino, Alfred and Carlos Llano at the farm to start the building of the reservoir for rice irrigation
Paraguay – Beggining of works in Salitre Cué
Paraguay – Welcome Salitre Cué
We would like to inform the purchase of a new farm in Paraguay.
Salitre Cué is located in Itapúa Department. The new acquisition means de beginning of new activities in a third country and consolidates Campos Orientales’regional development.