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PARAGUAY – Advances in land preparation at Salitre Cue farm (July 2020).

After having registered 10 days of dense rains, we restarted with land preparation activities. After a drought period, a small rain can helps land based work but not 10 days of continues dense rains. However, with machinery operating at full power, we will very quickly catch-up and we have already prepared over 600 ha so far. The good news, is that those rains helps the fully naturally our reservoir as we need full water capacity for the coming irrigation period of the cycle.

According to the latest weather forecasts, we should register heavier rains than it use to be for the season and that until mid august. Then, the situation should progressively reverse from September onwards (below normal, especially in the spring). Temperatures are going to follow the same trend (below average until mid August, than the averages). Experts are predicting La Niña phenomenon for this season on our region. Therefore, current rains help reducing pumping costs to fully the reservoir but will also be useful during irrigation period of the fields, and engines have to work full capacity during the days it doesn’t rain to be ready for sowing stage.

We are taking advantage of the good weather to aerial spray the fields with herbicide to control the weeds as you can see. All those work will make root penetration easier, and facilitate irrigation and drainage. It improves weeds and crop residues distribution the field so as their control, and incorporate them into the soil.