We have begging on June 22 with initial land preparation work of the fields. This cycle, we planned to sow 1,530 ha with rice in association with a local landing seeds and agrochemical family group. We hope that you will have at least the same level of production results. For the past cycle, we have got 8t/ha as yield with an average index quality of 55. We produced over 12,000 tons of paddy rice and our silos are now empty.
In terms of sales, we notice that rice prices have well increased in May due to exports to Africa and Pakistan. The situation was driven by food securitization fear of those countries due to Covid-19 pandemic. On the opposite, Brazil almost disappears this cycle in terms of rice import from Paraguay (generally 90% of Paraguayan rice production is exported to Brazil) but they are also not exporting they own production. Covid-19 pandemic has created fear and panic on food supply chains.
We continue to follow sanitary recommendations and strict protocols to ensure our employees and contractors’ the saves work environment possible.
For now, our attention is focused on land preparation which is important to ensure that the rice field is ready for planting. It is also creating a favourable environment for the rice plants to germinate and grow.
A well-prepared field improve soil structure (better ventilation, permeability, and loosening of the root zone) to make root penetration easier, and facilitate irrigation and drainage. It improves weeds and crop residues distribution the field so as their control, and incorporate them into the soil.
All our contractors are at farm and are starting their activities after filling their machines with gas.