Rice cultivation performed at Salitre Cue is a step-by-step production until harvest and post-production activities took place. From the moment land is being prepared until harvest is taking place 9 months elapse.
The fields are currently in the peak period of irrigation which takes around 90 days and 1,500 hectares are under irrigation as you can see.
Paddy crop is strongly influenced by water supply and water should be kept standing in the field throughout the growth period. Continuous flooding helps ensure sufficient water (elimination of moisture stress and favourable micro-climate to crop production) with greater availability of nutrients such as phosphorus, iron and manganese and control weeds.
You can see the quality of the taipas build thanks to Real Time Kinematic (RTK) technology using GPS guidance (dig irrigation channels build around the edges of the field with the tractors on autopilot).
You can have a complete overlook of the adjusted irrigation system, fully operational. Water is being pumped directly from the river Tebicuary from our main pump station and being redistributed in the irrigation system. In case of low level of the river, our artificial lake of 480 hectares size full of water.