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Uruguay – Update on Santa Maria farm activities (December 2016)

A relatively dry winter: Cumulative rainfall for July-November period was 419 mm, -21% compared with the historical average for the same period. So far, no rainfall has been registered in December.

Cattle operation (total herd 2,530 heads): Since September, breeding cows are recovering a good shape as they are fed with ryegrass and third year prairies. Males and females rearing have reached a daily weight gain of 500 grams – which is good. Those animals of lees than 1 year old are in very good weight and body conditions.

novillo-1-sobre-trebol vaq-1-2 ganado-de-cria

Agriculture activities:

Winter crop: Harvest of barley is completed (228 ha), we registered a yield of 3.5 tons/ha as budgeted.

Soybean #1: 484 hectares have been sowed and the crop is developing well so far (growing stage). Expected yield of 2.8 ton/ha.


Soybean #2 : the crop was sowed on the surface previously used for barley. We expect a good development for this crop.

Corn: 436 hectares of corn are in sowing progress. Expected yield of 5.5 ton/ha.
